National CROWN Day: Celebrating the Diversity & Resilience of Black Hair

Every year on July 3rd, National Crown Day stands as a significant celebration of Black hair and its multifaceted beauty, resilience, and cultural significance. Initiated by the CROWN (Creating a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair) Coalition in 2020, this day is dedicated to celebrating the richness of Black hair and advocating for the eradication of hair discrimination. As we honor this day, it’s essential to reflect on the diversity and resilience of Black hair and its profound impact on identity and culture.

The Rich Diversity of Black Hair

Black hair is a testament to the incredible diversity within the Black community. From tight coils to loose curls, from afros to locs, and from braids to twists, the textures and styles of Black hair are as varied as the people who wear them. Each hairstyle carries its own story, reflecting personal expression, cultural heritage, and historical significance.

Natural Hair

Natural hair, in its many forms, celebrates the beauty of Black hair in its untouched state. Natural hair represents authenticity and pride in one’s natural beauty. It’s a powerful statement against societal standards that have long favored Eurocentric beauty ideals. Embracing natural hair is an act of self-love and resistance, affirming that Black hair, in its natural state, is beautiful and worthy of celebration.

Protective Styles

Protective styles like braids, twists, and locs not only showcase the versatility of Black hair but also serve practical purposes. These styles protect the hair from damage and breakage while promoting growth. Beyond their functional benefits, protective styles are deeply rooted in cultural traditions. Braids, for instance, have been used for centuries to signify social status, age, and tribal affiliation. Today, they continue to be a cherished aspect of Black culture, evolving with contemporary trends while honoring their historical roots.

The Resilience of Black Hair

The resilience of Black hair is a reflection of the resilience of Black people. For centuries, Black hair has been subjected to scrutiny, stigmatization, and discrimination. From being deemed “unprofessional” in workplaces to being outright banned in schools, Black hair has faced numerous challenges. Despite this, Black people have continued to wear their hair with pride, turning it into a symbol of resistance and empowerment.

Overcoming Discrimination

The fight against hair discrimination is ongoing, but significant strides have been made thanks to initiatives like the CROWN Act. This legislation, which stands for “Creating a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair,” seeks to end hair discrimination in workplaces and schools. Since its inception, the CROWN Act has been enacted in several states across the U.S., providing legal protection for individuals who choose to wear their natural hair or protective styles.

Cultural Renaissance

In recent years, there has been a cultural renaissance celebrating Black hair. Social media platforms have become powerful tools for showcasing the beauty and versatility of Black hair. Influencers and everyday people alike share their hair journeys, tips, and styles, creating a sense of community and solidarity. This visibility has played a crucial role in normalizing Black hair and challenging negative stereotypes.

Celebrating Crown Day

National Crown Day is more than just a day of celebration; it’s a call to action. It reminds us of the importance of embracing and respecting the diversity of Black hair. It’s a day to honor the strength and resilience of those who have fought against hair discrimination and to support the ongoing efforts to create a world where everyone can wear their hair with pride.

Ways to Celebrate

  • Educate: Learn about the history and cultural significance of Black hair. Understanding its roots can foster greater appreciation and respect.
  • Advocate: Support the CROWN Act and other initiatives aimed at ending hair discrimination. Use your voice to advocate for policies that promote inclusivity and respect.
  • Celebrate: Share your hair journey on social media, participate in virtual events, or simply compliment someone on their hair. Small acts of celebration can have a big impact.

National Crown Day is a powerful reminder of the beauty, diversity, and resilience of Black hair. As we celebrate this day, let’s commit to fostering a world where all hair types are respected and celebrated, and where everyone can embrace their natural beauty without fear of discrimination.

Want to learn more? Visit and follow @‌thecrownact on Instagram